Nonsensical Musings...

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Now if you start asking me how on earth i came up with this... please don't... this is what you get if you put a mad arse... correction... a lazy mad arse on a 6 day trip to the middle of nowhere and make him spend new year's day on a train...

I'm against arranged marriages... at least dead set against the kind of institution established in India... it's seriously nonsensical if you can even think about marrying someone you don't even know yet... everything becomes a damn formality... you try to suppress all kinds of dissatisfactions that arise... it is true that knowing a person too well ain good for a marriage... but still... what the hell... absolutely no point not knowing...

P.s. Please... im begging you... if you haven't already... DON'T... seriously DON'T read The White Tiger... my blog has a better chance of winning the booker... the whole thing is one big *beep* joke... you shouldn't write an impression of a country based on what you see or believe... its total rubbish..

Chow... peace out...