High above...

Friday, August 28, 2009

First a dream
Then comes life...

Philosophically negentropic
Religiously entropic
The shelter of one thought is a jail for the mind
Be aware of what you need
Be a temple of your own...

Have you ever wondered what you really want
When it all comes down, it comes down to this.

- the archangel of death


Sunday, August 23, 2009

And so were back to square 1...

who can we trust???

I Miss You...

Friday, June 12, 2009

Two hearts fading, like a flower.
And all this waiting, for the power.
For some answer, to this fire.
Sinking slowly. The water’s higher.

With no secrets. No obsession.
This time I'm speeding with no direction.
Without a reason. What is this fire?
Burning slowly. My one and only.

You know me. You don't mind waiting.
You just can't show me, but God I'm praying,
That you'll find me, and that you'll see me,
That you run and never tire.

- Ryan Adams

Death before Physics...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

"If there is no other pill to take, swallow the one that made you ill."


The Mariana Trench...

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Today's been officially THE MOST jobless day Ive had ever since iv come to Manipal... actually in my life... absolutely useless..

Have you heard the news?
Bad things come in twos
But i never knew
'Bout the little things.
Every single day
things get in my way.
Someone has to pay
for the little things.

Let the headlines wait,
armies hesitate,
I can deal with fate
but not the little things.
Armageddon may
arrive any day.
I can't get away
from the little things.

Come on... every damn second spent after waking up has been a drag... might as well as not have woken up at all..

They don't mean a thing to you
They move right through you
Just like your breath
But sometimes
I still think of you
And I just wanted to
Just wanted you to know
My old friend...
I swear I never meant for this
I never meant...

Don't look at me that way
It was an honest mistake
Don't look at me that way
It was an honest mistake
An honest mistake

It's amazing how much such small things can affect you... and you just cant seem to do anything about it... and when you look back at what happened, you can't seem to figure out what went wrong... you apologize, but you don't seem to know what you are apologizing for...

The sky was blonde like her
It was a day to take the child
Out back and shoot it.
I could have buried all my dead
Up in her cemetery head
She had dirty word witchcraft
I was in the deep end of her skin.
Then, it seemed like a one car wreck
But I knew it was a horrid tragedy.
Ways to make the tiny satisfaction disappear.

Blow out the candles
On all my frankensteins.
At least my death wish will come true.
You taste like Valentine's and
We cry,
You're like a birthday.
I should have picked the photograph
It lasted longer than you.

Putting holes in happiness.
We'll paint the future black
If it needs any color.

And now time seems to standing still... For every second you have enjoyed previously, it seems to add a second to this period of absolute nonsense... you've like given up hoping that it will stop, cause that just seems to elongate the moment...

I was born a child of grace
Nothing else about the place
Everything was ugly but your beautiful face
And it left me no illusion

I saw you in the curve of the moon
In the shadow cast across my room
You heard me in my tune
When I just heard confusion

All because of you
All because of you
All because of you
I am...I am

What happens when your daily source of happiness, the one thing that keeps you occupied all day suddenly seems to be the cause of your unrest... you dunno what to do about it... it's no ones fault...

Dont say words youre gonna regret
Dont let the fire rush to your head

I am the eye in the sky
Looking at you
I can read your mind
I am the maker of rules
Dealing with fools
I can cheat you blind
And I dont need to see any more
To know that
I can read your mind, I can read your mind

So you just wait... it will pass... it will pass... it will...

Holding onto patience, wearing thin,
I can't force these eyes to see the end.
If only time flew like a dove,
Well we could watch it fly, and just keep looking up.

This time we're not giving up,
Let's make it last forever,
Screaming "Hallelujah".
We'll make it last forever...

Danny Elfmann - The Little Things
The Bravery - An Honest Mistake
Marilyn Manson - Putting Holes In Happiness
U2 - All Because of You
Paramore - Hallelujah

Going... going... going... gone.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

"We must not shed tears. That is the defeat of the body by the heart. Because for us, this thing called the 'heart' can become nothing less than proof that one's existence is superfluous."

- Kuchiki Rukia

Ze One

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Deseo.. Désir..Wunsch.. Desiderio.. Desejo.. Желание.. Wens.. Επιθυμία.. Lust

.. رغبة .. 欲求.. 욕망.. 欲望.. Taṇhā..

So many words... one desire...

Chow... tc... peace out...


Friday, February 13, 2009

"I like walking in the rain, because then no one knows im crying..."

- some random genius of a person


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I'm sure I've seen this look before
Done a thousand times and a million more
How many lies did he tell this time?
How many times did he cross the line?
It won't help me but I have to ask
Is there something real that's behind the mask?
Something true we don't know about?
A little faith in amongst the doubt

I'm sure I've played this scene before
I've seen this room and I've walked this floor
I'm sure I used to hold your hand
Did I hurt you?
All this attitude with no history
All this anger when you're attacking me
Got a lot to learn and you need to know
That your time is up kid, let it go

yeah the haircut's hot
But this has gotta stop
Good shoes won't save you this time
I think you're gonna find
With everything combined
that the time's running out of this line

A little piece of me grows old
I keep on walking down this road
I've seen a million people change
but I will stay the same
And I know you,
always steal and borrow
And I know you,
Never catch, never gonna catch tomorrow!!

Burger dope...

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Fresnel and Fraunhoffer finally had enough of us.. we decided to give them a break.. 7 Bees.. what kinda name is that.. i mean 7 days is lik OK.. 7 Bees??? Ah heck, the food was great.. burgers with cheese wings and a float which literally.. well.. floats!! All kinda ancient but nice music streamin into our ears.. which reminds me..

It's true! My wallet IS on a diet plan or something.. consider that it loses around 200 bucks a day. But it's like a Spore, one of the Varmirons i think.. or some from the planet k0k.. it like evolves! Just last week it found a butterfly wing. Hah, i shall name it Sephiroth.. the one winged angel! Only Materia won't seem to like it too much.

If you close your eyes, and let someone hold your hand and guide you to your destination, it's supposed to teach you trust. That's something i already had, it was just reinforced today. And the moon was like a catalyst, like shining it's weak, enticing aura of calm................................................. the night was beautiful.

At Peace...

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Today was a nice day.. a day when you look back in time.. a day for reminiscence.. a day for pondering over useless but entertaining ideas..

After a 2 hr rendezvous at the official Saturday hangout, and a bitta influence of 60mls, not to mention a 4 n half hr phone conversation, i feel pretty damn awake! 4 in the morning is an amazing time to do some thing thinking, thinking of random nonsense, dreams, possibilities... you can't imagine the satisfaction it gives you.. and it helps when you have someone to help you remember, to put those thoughts in place, to try and arrange that mess in your head to create some absolute masterpiece...

Ah, no ppl.. i am NOT high.. i am just at peace..

Chow.. TC.. Peace out.. actually forget the "out" for today.. just peace..

P.S. The walk shall continue, no matter what hardship it faces. The way of the walk is unperishable and it is not in our hands or anyone elses to stop us from walking "the walk".

The show must go on...

Monday, January 12, 2009

And so we return, to the place where i am "supposed" to become an "engineer", to the place where the net is so bad, you are desperate enough to steal other ppls IPv4s just to avail of some downloads, to the place where my blogging was officially revived, to the place where movies are watched at the rate of 3/day, the place where stygwyr silences rikimaru (theyr on the same team btw :P), the place where pepsi and happydent is consumed simultaneously to try and negate each other's ill effects, the place where...

Ok, sry sry... got carried away...

I-ON has improved, to some extent at least. Chances are that we can GG... hopefully... we'l try at the library next. And the sunday dinners are resumed... Ms. Jamiaca's fascination for cheese lives on... Pretty much everything seems the same...

That's till classes started... The Phy cycle looks to me lik living hell... i got lab tonight... yes "TONIGHT"!!! We got like only 3 public holidays for the whole sem, so won't b home for long...

That's it for now... will be back when i find "time" in this shit "time"table... (Oh there it is, found it! :P)..

Chow... tc... peace out!!

1.. 2.. 3..

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Just heard of some website that helps you pick out topics to blog about... that's bullcrap... theres no point writing crap abt somethin which you don even care abt... but i wonder y im writing this then... grrr.... self introspection can be such a pain sometimes...

I was just going through my blogroll... kicked out a few guys... sry ppl... either u jus don blog frequently enuf or have moved witht tellin me! Few newcomers too... Plus this blog seems to have like been dying of in terms of content... irritatin... See this is the kinda thing you do at midnight when you got absolutely nothing to do and no one to talk to... the fact that you have work to do really doesn make a difference coz you won't do it in such a bored situation anyway... u need some drive... like a deadline... which i do have... but anyway...

3 facts... personal opinions and musical tastes more like... but just thought il let y'all know anyway...

Elton John might b gay but he sure as hell knows how to play the piano...

Modeselektor are by far the most insane electronica band ever... the things they can do with circuit bending and synths ummmaaaze me... you should pay special attention to the bar visualizations when you play one of their songs... thats an art by itself..

And finally... The Bravery are one classy band... they kinda fuse all the classics with a nice modern beat n all...

Chow... tc... peace out...