
Friday, February 13, 2009

"I like walking in the rain, because then no one knows im crying..."

- some random genius of a person


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I'm sure I've seen this look before
Done a thousand times and a million more
How many lies did he tell this time?
How many times did he cross the line?
It won't help me but I have to ask
Is there something real that's behind the mask?
Something true we don't know about?
A little faith in amongst the doubt

I'm sure I've played this scene before
I've seen this room and I've walked this floor
I'm sure I used to hold your hand
Did I hurt you?
All this attitude with no history
All this anger when you're attacking me
Got a lot to learn and you need to know
That your time is up kid, let it go

yeah the haircut's hot
But this has gotta stop
Good shoes won't save you this time
I think you're gonna find
With everything combined
that the time's running out of this line

A little piece of me grows old
I keep on walking down this road
I've seen a million people change
but I will stay the same
And I know you,
always steal and borrow
And I know you,
Never catch, never gonna catch tomorrow!!

Burger dope...

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Fresnel and Fraunhoffer finally had enough of us.. we decided to give them a break.. 7 Bees.. what kinda name is that.. i mean 7 days is lik OK.. 7 Bees??? Ah heck, the food was great.. burgers with cheese wings and a float which literally.. well.. floats!! All kinda ancient but nice music streamin into our ears.. which reminds me..

It's true! My wallet IS on a diet plan or something.. consider that it loses around 200 bucks a day. But it's like a Spore, one of the Varmirons i think.. or some from the planet k0k.. it like evolves! Just last week it found a butterfly wing. Hah, i shall name it Sephiroth.. the one winged angel! Only Materia won't seem to like it too much.

If you close your eyes, and let someone hold your hand and guide you to your destination, it's supposed to teach you trust. That's something i already had, it was just reinforced today. And the moon was like a catalyst, like shining it's weak, enticing aura of calm................................................. the night was beautiful.