The Tooth Fairy

Monday, July 25, 2011

Sigh. I need one of these kinda days.


There was this comic strip which showed a kid pondering whether a little dandelion he was holding actually contained another complete universe within itself. Maybe, if he stepped on it, that would mean a billion kazillion other planets all winking out of existence. They say time is the only absolute value on this planet. But how often has that class seemed to stretch for eternity. And how often has the last day with your love before a long stretch at home seemed to last only for seconds. Maybe somewhere out there, E!=MC2.

If there's ONE thing I completely and wholly believe from Hinduism, it's their concept of the wheel of time. Ages come and ages go. But everything seems to have this cycle. After a period of change, it all looks similar.

We're all little sinusoids, waiting to peak at the same time.

Hold On

Saturday, July 23, 2011

There is music for every mood. Sometimes I wonder how music is fast becoming a vital criteria for natural selection. Music runs half our social lives. Most of the time, it quite literally decides your liking of a particular person or the way you perceive a memory. And nothing associates to a memory better than music. It's scary. Like that line from Step Up, we all seem to have a rhythm inside. And the need to connect to it grows stronger by the second.

They say INFJs have this 'need' to connect emotionally on some level with every person. They refuse to settle for what they see on the surface. It usually ends up with them trying to artificially create depth where it isn't there, but that's a risk they seem content to live with. And suddenly there's a lack of people to connect with. When you realize that you have been perceiving a depth that isn't actually there, this urge to get away and not be 'wasted'. Four years is not a joke. It's up to us to remember the things that were worth remembering. Intuition has always been our best weapon after all.

The sun is shining everyday. Over the world, it's said.

אני יודע שאתה חיכה כל החיים שלך. חכה רגע, אני בא. חכי לי.


Tuesday, July 12, 2011


We all walk the fine line between instinct and obligation. Mind it.

"We rode on the winds of the rising storm,
We ran to the sounds of thunder.
We danced among the lightning bolts,
And tore the world asunder."