Melody Nelson

Sunday, September 18, 2011

You need to surround yourself with such people. It is a necessity, or so you will discover. Because the path gets harder as we go on. There are obligations and expectations; social, personal. To be, you have to let go of all those. To live in the moment, we can't hold on to anything.

We need more Cole Strykers in this world.

Certaines choses peuvent vous surprendre, mais c'est comme ça.

Sugar Cubes

Sunday, September 11, 2011

"And our hearts move closer... at five centimeters per second."

A little nudge. The song you're currently addicted to. That movie you simply adored. That place that still haunts you. All those little things that you do to try and convey your mood to someone.

Because deep inside, you are dying for an appropriate response.

Not the right person. Just the right response.