A Story For a Bubblegum

Friday, November 25, 2011

ONCE UPON A TIME. There was this little girl called Bez. She loved wearing scarves, washing dishes and cracking the lamest jokes and laughing at it herself. She lived in a little cottage made of piled up books with her brother Facepalm. Now, Facepalm couldn't stand the thought of letting Bez out of her sight. So he used have a little toy cart in which he sat, and Bez used to pull it around wherever they went.

One day, Bez was reading Mr. Pip while sitting beneath her favourite Gulmohar tree, when there comes along a man in a flawless white shirt *insert rin supreme add here, for extra whiteness*. He offers her a bouquet of lillies, along with some (horrible horrible) mint chocolates.

"Would Mademoiselle like to try some? They're from a faraway land, way beyond the seven seas!"

Facepalm watches in dissaproval, as Bez tries the chocolate. (As quoted in Spider, "I can't believe I fall for chocolate!") A conversation strikes up and soon enough, Bez is lost in the wonderful (hypnotic) whiteness of JF's (or so he says) shirt. Facepalm completely forgotten, she wanders off hand in hand with JF, through the forests of orange blossoms.

As Facepalm begins to worry, he notices a bunch of paparazzi trying to sneak past unnoticed through the trees. His curiosity awakened, he starts pedaling (yes, my cart is awesome like that) silently after the stalkers and overhears some of the gossip.

"Hush! Your footsteps make enough noise to scare the mimosas!"
"Hush yourself! We need a shot of JF without his sword! The girl makes our job easier! This way we can tell everyone that our prince has run away with his love, and Sir *ahem* will be unopposed to the throne of Disneyland!"

Even with his tiny sense of sobriety, Facepalm realizes that whatever happens will not be for Bez's good. So he plans obstacles to throw in their path. After many failed attempts (which include giant headless gummy bears and several other of Facepalm's ingenious creations), Facepalm is at the brink of despair and decides to go to his thinking spot to do some serious thinking.

Meanwhile, at the other side, Bez is lost in her dreamland (yes, the hypnotic powers of the white shirt still prevail). They come to a beach and Bez insists on prancing around like a pixie horse in the water. She tugs at JF's shiny silver sword (with a large WD on it, and a mouse head) urging him to leave the sword and come into the water with her.

As JF unbuckles his sword (yes, his sword, NOT his belt, shameless girl), the stalkers creep closer, with DLSRs at the ready. Just at the right moment, Facepalm comes charging with his mushroom enhanced speed, and shoots post-its (the tiny yellow ones) on the screen of the cameras. His job done, he turns and looks at Bez with a straight face. But the enraged paparazzi, prepare to heave their DLSRs at Facepalm!

Bez notices the commotion, but realizes she can do nothing fast enough to save Facepalm. At the same time, Franco starts screaming for help! He's being trapped in the vicious undercurrents churned by Wartortle, Sir *ahem*'s powerful turtle minion.

WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO Facepalm?!? Will Bez be able to save JF from the clutches of his arch nemesis? Find out in the next episode of...


Here We Go Again

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

She whips her hair back and forth. And suddenly, everything that stops you from being whoever you want to be is swept away in the undercurrents of her scent.

A Bread Loaf

Friday, November 18, 2011

1. A house in Ireland. (I'M SORRY! But it just HAD to top the list.)
2. A wharf besides a Scottish loch. Oh and and AND! A little blue boat with just one oar.
3. Someone's lap to sleep on.
4. Front row tickets to this year's Electric Daisy Festival.
5. One of those toy castles in Disneyland. (Somehow they ALWAYS look better than real ones.)
6. An electric car which still sounds like it has a petrol engine.
7. Everlasting headphones. The kind that NEVER gets spoilt.
8. A black kitten called Tabby. (It has to have the cutest paws EVER!)
9. Garden gnomes to fill the backyard of my Irish house with. And they have to be fun sized. So that Tabby can play with them.
10. A chessboard with all the pawns as figurines of people I don't like much.
11. You to get out of the shower.
12. A collection of every picture that was clicked at this EXACT moment all around the world.
13. A fish in the water and a lion in the jungle.
14. A normal broomstick called Firebolt.
15. A never-ending cookie jar.

(to be cont'd...)