
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The world is not enough.

It never was.

Never will be.

Ciao. Peace out..

The closest to heaven you've ever been...

Friday, May 18, 2012

The next time you meet someone you love, someone you know who is worth it, spend some time sitting together staring silently at the ceiling. Dream together. Let your fingers crawl all over them. Feel those creases in their life that you have helped make. Those that you will always be proud of. The ones that you will remember for a lifetime. Talk less, feel more. Set aside all the traumas that society or religion have inflicted upon you. Embrace your human side. Let loose and take the time to caress their hair. Snake your fingers through theirs, knowing that whether it lasts or not, this moment makes all the difference. The contact of finger tips, lips brushing against skin, eyelashes fluttering on their cheeks, drops of priceless tears washing your soul, purging themselves of sin or vice.

Do something without thinking. Do it without worrying about the exam tomorrow, or that deadline you have to meet. Do it without thinking of consequences. Do it knowing that you will NEVER regret it. That there is no looking back. That some day or the other, life will get back at you for it. And that you will embrace repentance like a hug from an old friend.

Thank them every now and then. Thank them for waiting for you. Thank them for not. Thank them for considering it worth their time. Thank them for not realizing it's importance. Thank them for remembering it fondly. Thank them for not caring, for not holding on to wistful teenage fantasies. Thank them for keeping in touch. Thank them for forgetting you existed. Thank them without a thought. Thank them mercilessly.

Because undeserved gratitude is that single force in the world that can make your life come down on it's knees, begging for forgiveness; or reveal the truth of how meaningless it all is.