
Sunday, January 1, 2012

I am Vineet’s plagued cough. I reek of the weariness of life’s discrepancies; conflicting emotions and such. The things that make you grimace at your achievements and retrospect your influences. I remind you of that song which you have deleted from your iPod, for obvious reasons. The one which leaves a bitter taste in the mouth with the flood of memories it brings back. I conceal all positivity, make a mockery of happiness. I make you double-check whether you should be wearing that smile on your face.

I am Vineet’s heightened sense of displeasure. I am every decision in your life you wish you could take back. I am the look which messes up your chain of thought, makes you shuffle uneasily. I am the gesture of detachment, the one that makes you cut the call midway, even though you never like doing it. I am the No Entry sign on the doorstep, restricting your freedom, warning you of impending consequnces. I am the sound of balloons deflating, engines shutting down, crowds being silenced.

“I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.”

- The Beatles