Anti-terrorism... and why we should forget about it!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Human society, from origin until now, has always been at war, may it be within or between two religious communities, societies or nations themselves. An important point to note is that nearly all these conflicts have arisen due to competition between two factions. The World Wars for example, has its root cause hidden in the motive of Germany to usurp the United Kingdom's position in the world economical and military status. Similarly, in the case of terrorism, I strongly believe that Western interference in the functioning of the Muslim majority middle-eastern countries is to blame for the various recent outbursts which manifest themselves in the form of terrorist attacks. This has come to harm many innocent lives, which had no say in the matter.

The United States' invasion of Afghanistan, or Iraq proves my point. Before the Iraq invasion, the country may have been ruled by a tyrant who mercilessly ordered 148 Kurdish people to the gallows. However, to bring down one dictator, we rendered thousands of other human lives worthless, by allowing such a war to happen. The media had their share of the fun, months worth of headlines to print, and a dozen more pictures or videos of Saddam's execution to leak out into online video sharing websites. But in the end, terrorism still roams free, not in the hearts of the innocent, but in the minds of the

Human tendency is to oppose, what is ordered, want, what is forbidden, and take, what is necessary. By showing the middle-eastern community that the United States' has the power to bring down nations, does not help us to counteract this threat by terrorism. In fact, they are urged on to prove to the world that they cannot be put down by one nation alone. Attacks on other nations have shown that terrorism is a world wide threat, more so because other countries allow such powers to act irresponsibly on behalf of the world.

I do not say that we heed the threats of such violence, or we give in to such radicals, but only that we act wisely before risking another few thousand lives in Iran. Enough of blood has been spilled in the war against terrorism... I only plea that we shed no more.


Megs said...

in luv wid dat line...'v oppose wat is forced upon us'....deep tot man...keep dis blog goin!

brainsap said...

a verrry interesting concept.. i don remember reading about this...
man - opposes wat is forced, desires wat is forbidden.. that i believe is not an heriditary trait.. kids dream of superheros, petty thieves plan for robbing a bank... these are not things of impulse.. they are the present day society's faults..if the world would be rid of all superheros it would be a boring world indeed.. but for us.. not for those who never will understand what they were.. or even dream of them... for the next generation it will be nonsense that is illogical and pointless... that is a world really to be desired of... what other way to achieve it than to rid the world of problems, of hatered to spread equality??? the only solution- remover terrorism.. or is it?

there is another school of thought which says struggle keeps one developing... i.e if one had all he wantsand needs, then there is no point in him living coz he has all he wants and all he needs... wat more can he do or want now? and that is the reason why terrorism should faught.. for one way or other ie which ever school of thought is right it will lead to development of humanity..