Minutes past midnight,,

Monday, October 6, 2008

Actually it's nearly an hour since midnight now, but here i am.. really really drunk from the post-"Editorial Board selections" celebrations (drunk on coke.. now don't let your minds wander.. sheeesh..), still sorta reeling from the after effects of Mandy Moore's super cute face. No wonder im still listenin to "Someday We'll Know" and switchfoot. Sigh..

The first meeting of Ed Board (that's what were officiallly called.. i guess.. i hope..) was pretty fun.. considering im the only first year on the team.. The Ed (editor) was pretty chilled out.. expects us to be workin on night shifts.. having fun over editing and sorting out articles.. poring over pics.. pretty fun i guess.. and i'm gonna have xtended perm!!!!! AWESOME!!

Nag is still his usual crazy self.. still recovering from Arsenal's loss i guess.. Dez.. haven seen her in a while (a day i think... thats long..), Ash i still sittin n tryin to figure out y I-ON has a grudge against him, other than watching movies 24/7.. Appan been busy with MobiVis.. takin a break from our midnight Halo sessions.. so yea.. lifes pretty normal in MIT..

Anyway.. no lecture til 9 tmrw.. so i can risk a late night.. but not too late.. considerin i actually slept through comp pracs.. so ciao.. tc.. peace out..