A Bleeding Nose...

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Someone should do a research paper on the type of fauna that can be found near the loo of our dorms... they'd probably win the Nobel or something for discovering 30 new species of grasshoppers or so...

Someone should tell Iron Maiden to look at the timetables of the general school and college population before deciding to tour India... It would fetch them at least a few million more fans...

Someone should realize that Bangalore's streets are small enough and they don't need to start stupid rallies which make not only their's, but everyone's lives miserable... i wouldn't want my 10 year old brother to have to walk back 20km from school...

Someone should pose a decent threat to India's cricket team... It's irritating i tell you, plain irritating to see Dhoni gloat in so much glory...

Someone should realize that when you aren't paying for your bandwidth, it's considered polite not to restrict your uploads... I wouldn't want my torrents to have no peers...

Someone should realize that the default fonts in Ubuntu are just plain boring and should be improvised... It's just not nice to see your favorite web pages in weird font...

Someone should realize that the world needs more places like DeeTee, and actually end up opening a whole chain of nice restaurants... Anywhere, Nowhere, Somewhere would be a good place to start...

Someone should stop blogging this nonsense and get back to his freaking Electrical book... or he's gonna have trouble on Saturday morning... loads of it!

Chow... tc... peace out!!

Must-hears for metallo-maniacs..

Monday, November 17, 2008

This is quite a recent list so plz don't ask y all the classics are missing..

1. Children of Bodom - Are You Dead Yet

2. Slipknot - Sulfur

3. Samael - High Above

4. Roadrunner United - Army of the Sun

5. Priestess - I Am The Night, Colour Me Black

6. AFI - Miss Murder

7. Nightwish - The Poet and the Pendulum

8. Marilyn Manson - You And Me And The Devil Makes Three

9. Blind Guardian - Another Stranger Me

10. Avial - Nada Nada

Do excuse me for not including some very famous recent artists... mayb theyr just not in my good books.. tried to cover as many of the metal genres as possible.. plus the last one is actually an indian band..

Spontaneous combustions... not caustic embrittlement!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

It's amazing wad u can do with 21 rupees and 50 paise (to b exact).. Dez's innovation comes veri handy in such situations... like yea, usin a tissu paper to tie ur hair.. or a pack of mint to keep ur battered nd broken cell in :D.. at some point we ver desperate enuf to go down on our knees to search for a 50 paise coin in a public bus from udupi to manipal.. yes, 50 PAISE... nd what were we doin in udupi?? now that brings us to a whole new story..

Its ummmazin how motivating a factor mosquitos can be ( Dez, u spelled that wrong in ur blog :D ).. wen u have a brain like hers comin up with random ideas such as going to udupi at 9 in the night, "It's Not That Hard To Imagine".. nd so we embarked upon that epic journey.. a journey riddled with omens lik a poster saying "Don't Be a Bakra!", the road literally "ditching" us, a shopkeeper practically throwing us outta his shop for god knows what reason, Dez's phone randomly coming up with the message "NOT FOUND" when we are searchin for our last 10 buck note that would decide our fate..

When uv been cooped up in your room for 2 whole days, tryin to study but nothin relevant whatsoever enterin your brain, and with random nonsensic thoughts irritatin and pissin u off, a little spontaneous thinking can do wonders for ur mood, right Dez?? :D

P.S. And to think Minomi wz responsible for all this..... :P

U gotta listen to these...

Thursday, November 6, 2008

1. Chromeo - Fancy Footwork (Guns n Bombs Remix)

2. Junkie XL ft. Lauren Rocket - More

3. Datarock - I Used To Dance With My Daddy (Karma Harvest Remix)

4. The Heavy - That Kind Of Man

5. Junkie XL ft. Electrocute - Mad Pursuit

6. Electro Stimulation - Automatic Lover

7. David Guetta - Love Don't Let Me Go (Walking Away)

8. Modeselektor - Dancing Box

9. My Federation - What Gods Are These

10. Reverend And The Makers - Open Your Window

Happy Buuuuurthdaaay!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Happy birthday to meeeeee...
Happy birthday to meeeeee...
Believe me, iv gone crazeeeeeee....
Happy birthday to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

The day piggy-banks went extinct..

It's crazy.. Insane, i tell u.. forget tryin in vain to grasp on to your cash.. how on earth is someone supposed to concentrate on things such as "studying", when you have everything from sweet-corn to chats available right outside your damn dorm!! Seriously.. u start wondering wether drugs are lik the worst kinda addictions.. coz lime soda or pepsi seriously giv them some good contest..

And now.. lime soda.. something lik 25 different flavours.. approximately 50 steps from your room.. 10 bux a glass..


No wonder piggy banks went extinct..

Chow.. Tc.. Peace out..