A Bleeding Nose...

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Someone should do a research paper on the type of fauna that can be found near the loo of our dorms... they'd probably win the Nobel or something for discovering 30 new species of grasshoppers or so...

Someone should tell Iron Maiden to look at the timetables of the general school and college population before deciding to tour India... It would fetch them at least a few million more fans...

Someone should realize that Bangalore's streets are small enough and they don't need to start stupid rallies which make not only their's, but everyone's lives miserable... i wouldn't want my 10 year old brother to have to walk back 20km from school...

Someone should pose a decent threat to India's cricket team... It's irritating i tell you, plain irritating to see Dhoni gloat in so much glory...

Someone should realize that when you aren't paying for your bandwidth, it's considered polite not to restrict your uploads... I wouldn't want my torrents to have no peers...

Someone should realize that the default fonts in Ubuntu are just plain boring and should be improvised... It's just not nice to see your favorite web pages in weird font...

Someone should realize that the world needs more places like DeeTee, and actually end up opening a whole chain of nice restaurants... Anywhere, Nowhere, Somewhere would be a good place to start...

Someone should stop blogging this nonsense and get back to his freaking Electrical book... or he's gonna have trouble on Saturday morning... loads of it!

Chow... tc... peace out!!


E said...

"peace out".
do i see plagiarism?


someone did realise dat d world needed more places lik dee tee even b4 dey realised dat dee tee existed..... thank u.... ppl pls patronize wen dis realization becomes a reality

The Shade said...

considerin iv used "peace out" in quite a lot of my previous posts, it ain xactly plagiarism :D

n deetee is sort of a reality isn it??

E said...

whoops, i blew a bubble from my gills a little too soon!! sorry! beg for forgiveness!