A Dead Mouse

Monday, June 27, 2011

So I'm an ailurophile. And I never knew. It sounds nice. Not many words starting with "ailu" anyway. That uniqueness seems to make it even more fascinating.

Apparently one of the fundamental human tendencies is to classify. So for today's classification, I shall divide the population of my image of this world into two; individualists and collectivists. Somehow, whoever came up with this ended up putting this whole field of study under political philosophy. How the significance of it in other fields seems to have escaped whomsoever it concerns is a complete mystery. You either do your own thing, or you do something you have learned from experience (a collective source).

This movie, a particular "Never Let Me Go", has just managed to completely wreck my emotional stability. Or instability. Either I feel very depressed about the movie, or I feel nothing at all. What I require is physical pain.

I recently came across this question, "What would you attempt if you knew you couldn't fail?" I pondered over this question for a long long while. And I mean a really long while. And you know, the feeling of finally stumbling upon a solution that satisfies you is sheer ecstasy. For fun's sake, I decided to post the question on facebook and wait for some replies. In my opinion, any answer to that question would be a fallacy. If there was no chance of a failure, there would be no sense of competition. If there was no sense of competition, there would be no incentive.

That reminds me, maybe I was wrong in that classification earlier. It's not the population that could be divided into individualists or collectivists. Rather, these two seem to form a fundamental and indivisible trait in each and every person. So rather than being a complete individualist, or a complete collectivist, your mind probably works x% in an individualist manner and y% in a collectivist manner. And that the ratio of these would probably be unique in every single human being.

Damn, now were going recursive.

Ciao. Peace.


Friday, June 17, 2011

You. Yes, you. I am writing this for you.

I know you are reading this. And I want you to know I am writing this for you. No one else will understand. No one else knows. They think that this is for them. But it’s not. I am writing this for you.

I want you to know, life…it’s hard. Every day can be a challenge. It can be a challenge to get up in the morning. To get yourself out of bed. To put on that smile. But I want you to know, that smile is what keeps me going some days. You need to remember, even through the tough times, you are amazing. You really are.

You should be happy. You are gorgeous.

I know that the weather might not be perfect. You might have to turn your back to the wind or feel the cold nipping at your nose. But you know what, at least you are there to feel it. At least you can enjoy the sun’s warm rays on your face. Or that cold February wind biting at your cheeks. You know what that means?

You are alive.

Everything will be okay.

~ Letters I'll Never Send ~


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Awake. At 6 in the morning. Listening to The Rain Song by Led Zepplin. Reading a bit of Oscar Wilde. And just having finished An Education. Hmmmm... how I love this false feeling of sophistication. It's a really mucky word that, sophistication. It means so much, and yet so much more. The rain is picking up. I should go make myself a cup of coffee.

There's something about living alone that seems very eccentric. The feeling can't quite be described. I just don't get the point of wasting your conscious life being "not" conscious. Long story. Don't bother arguing.

I guess to be agnostic is to know your own limitations. But then again, why would you want to limit yourself. Who are you to fix that "this line here, this is my limitation".

Chow... Tc... Peace out.


"Love, love is a verb
Love is a doing word."

I guess it's something you do unintentionally, subconsciously. If it weren't so, it would be blasphemy. There is so much, OH SO MUCH we all fail to appreciate. If only they could teach us how to not overlook those human errors at school. Now that would bee worth wasting half your life to learn. Because you know the other half will never ever disappoint.

Oh how I wish this smile never fades.