Sunday, March 25, 2007

Megs, Mog... both of u... ummmazin articles! Shit... u go on like this n SAT is a piece of cake!

Sometimes, i wonder... why the hell my views are always different from others... some people say im addicted to standing out amongst a crowd :D ... don't ask me why, maybe that's just the way i am... n i really don't mind being that way.

People say u change, it's inevitable... and its whether you change for the better or for the worse that determines your future... it's a risk, and few reach where they aim. Then why change at all, if you're content with what you are?

Reminds me of japo sometimes :D, true she might be all snobby and all... and that's definitlely not the way a teacher should behave... but she accepts that not being able to be friendly with her students is one of her drawbacks... she tries as much as she can to improve.. but there are limits. And i surely think she's hell content with who she is. What do you think Sid?

As Mog was sayin, our sleepless sleepover on the night after Maiden was as usual as a sleepover could get with sid, anand, me, ash, nd mog. We've had around 4 major ones be4... n i dunno y, but to my utter utter disbelief, all of them are filled with us talkin about philosophies! :D First four hours or so were spent getting beaten up by the others for bani talk :D n the rest... u dun wanna kno! No wonder i slept thru ACE the next day!

I dun think anyone except anand understood me... n what he did understand, i don't think he liked. And why he understood? I really really dunno y... but me and anand have this weird power of understandin each other totally :D!! Ask him if u want!

I really don't like preaching... im not too good at it either, ull c :D! Im pretty sure mog was unsatisfied with my explanations that day, same with sid.... hope ull realize some day.


digitalgirl said...

wel....vine.....i still dont get t...u say d change has its limits...but wen d teacher s content wit herself treating d students d way she wants which she realizes tht it s a drawback 2 herself..its jus one o d black mark of her personality..!! but if she wants to change...if she means it frm d bottom o her heart...then t can change d circumstances!..i believe it s rite tht way...

Unknown said...

I wrote a pretty long reply, so i blogged it on

Usurper said...

hmmm... vine i got wat u were saying that night... just that i dint like how u put it... what u said was pretty true... but thats the problem with the truth... most ppl wont like it... haha... anyways... i gtg to BASE now... god i don like this! k nice article anyways....

Anand M S said...

hey. Vine, I must admit I dont know you one bit. But, reasing through your entry really does make me want to say something.

Remember one thing. It is not enough, if as an individual, you are satisfied with yourself. It is more than imperative for all of us to be in good light to the people around us.

Now, this does not mean that one must go out of ones way to please other poeple... or all people around him or her. It is, for a fact, impossible and maybe a little foolish. But, what it does mean is that peoples opinion of you will definitely matter a great deal to you, later in life; professionally and personally and sometimes both together.

But, yes. There are limits. There must be limits you set for yourself beyond which, you will yourself realise that what you are doing isnt worth the effort.

There are certain things in everyone which people dont like. When you become cognizant of this, you must not act stubborn and say "This is who I am.." but instead give it some thought. Give their opinions the due respect... but not too much of it!

Well, as i said before, I really dont know you as well as how some of the others who have replied to this may. But, what I had to say is very general and applies to anyone and everyone in this world (at least thats what I think!!).

Usurper said...

i agree with anand a lot... most ppl err on the side of not giving any1 elses ideas and suggestions a thought at all... this is completely wrong cos most of the time the people are telling you this only if they mean good to you and dont like smthn in u thats hurting/offending them... get wat i mean?

Anonymous said...

well vine..i knt comment too much,coz obviously i wasnt at tht sleepover and am not very clear abt ur i really lyk da kurt cobain quote at da beginning!!!!!!!!hehe its on ma orkut profile too...;)

Unknown said...

ok well im posting mainly for the reason that i was there. Now i know sid and amogh will probably kick but im getting a bit of what you said and i think it makes sense now that i think of it . Actually it did the next morning but the thing is i'm just saying now, like most things about me it was until now known to me and me alone.

Unknown said...

but yeah the philosophy part i have no idea why that always happens i mean your a metalhead,amogh a compgeek,me a sportsfreak,anand is well anand and again sid is sid probably the only one who fits that bill--the common b/w us all probably being food :-) .

Anonymous said...

k i mite sorta be buttin in here a bit ....
bt hey if ure gonna care abt evrythin that ppl hav to say abt u .. ull never get nywher buddy .. wat smeone mite nt like abt u mite be liked by smeone else ..u just go on ..till u find smeone who likes u just tha way u r .. besides a person is changin all tha time .. their thouts change their priorites varyy .. an with such a constant change .. u never kno tha person ure gonna be tommrw .. so no point in changin ureself just coz smeone dusnt like that abt u ..
then again i mite hav completly gne off ure topic .. as i hav absolutely no idea wat u ppl r ramblin abt !!