Ramblings of an uninterested mind ...

Monday, April 16, 2007

I was just plain bored.. and i saw that has not been a single entry in my blog in the month of April! Wow... fad must be burning out i guess. Or it could be the other blogs... because I'm definitely developing an inferiority complex now! :D

The past few days has been filled with Sridhar's homework, Shyamili's usual torture and Milind's bouncers. However in that wee bit of free time i get, Terry Goodkind has also been a kind resident of my mind. The Soul of the Fire sure left a strong impression on my mind. Scared me out of my wits! Ending was simply stunning!
And so, all that reading has pretty much obliterated my morale. Sid! Our book seems so crude compared to all these works!

Anyway... all other information undisclosed for security reasons. :D

Unluckily enough, my brain has been devoid of its usual rambling for the past week or so. I won't call it depression, just plain "not-in-the-mood". I was pretty stunned by Ash's posts... simply exhilarating change from his usual sports stuff (Thank God!). Sid has been his usual philosophical self, and Megs, well, i don't know what to say... you're nearly at Sid's level :D!
Another person joined our blogger scene.. i don't know if she's here to stay or not, but people please add Apoorva's link to your blogrolls. Thats one more person in our blog community.

Basically, i had nothing to write about. I blurted whatever was on my mind... please forgive me if there have been any misleading comments :D ... oh yea, i almost forgot! This post has been a wonderful achievement for me... if you observe carefully then you will find something distinct about this post from the rest. I will leave you to work that out.

The Shade


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Erm... don't see whats special of the blog. And its information undisclosed due to security reasons, not information disclosed.
And as for the book, don't compare it to others. We are writing what we want for now. Don't write with the interest of publishing, write with the aim of creating a universe, our own universe.

Tanning lotion said...

Boredom will definately make you start blogging. Good luck thinking of something to blog in the future.

Tanning Lotion

Anonymous said...

hu da hell is tanning lotion?well vine i dnt tink bloggin is just a fad...iv always luved writing and sharing it with others is sumtin i will always enjoy!

The Shade said...

jeeez... since kno ones found out yet :D ..... guess wad??? NOT A SINGLE SLANG OR SHORT FORM HERE IN THIS BLOG!~! :D :D :D

Usurper said...

sorry vine... i just did... but only prob is i dint see this till now... i got onto the comp finally.... every1s here and no1s saying anything... cos of the time iv spent off the comp i suppose... anyways... vine the book.... i no your looking at it in terms of publishing value... don't worry i am not an idealist like sid... i am looking at it through the eyes of a publisher... do u realise that terry's first few books aren't really that good? i was blown off by the third book... hes jumped to WOT mastery of fantasy... haha... as i was saying... look at his initial works they weren't too good either... the first two books were written in such a manner that they could end right there just at 2 books... reading fantasy and having ideas is not good enough to be an author... it takes practise too... and as far as our story goes.... well not wanting to disclose too much here... it is in its preliminary stages... go read the underlying link to one of Paul Graham's Link... it is on startups and remember this is a start up in its own way... okay cant find the right essay... so... here is his statement... the original idea is usually rubbish... if microsoft stuck to its original ideas... well they wld be selling BASIC compilers today and HP would be selling useless calculators and apple designing ICs.... see wat i mean.. the idea isnt the best right from the start... its the dedication and the creativity that matters...

Unknown said...

Guy, what I meant to say is, that if and when we want to publish, we can, but write it for the sake of making your universe, for the sake of giving others a glimpse into your mind. I'm not saying forget about the reader, you can't do that. Basically, we need to work on it... a lot. We'll stick to it, I'm sure it'll be overhauled a few dozen times before we're done, but it just requires us to meet more, which is hard to come by. We should meet up sometime in the week.

The Shade said...

btw... guyz... ive been workin on that new theory... n its fallin in to piece EXTREMELY well.... yea... we really need to meet sumtime...