The Apology...

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I gotta say, our groups gotta be da most freakiest frndz grp eva!~! Well anyway... me, Mog, Sid, nd Anand met up the other day... in Katti Zone of all places :D (dun blame them, my idea :D) .... n we had another one ov our very "philosophical" discussions...

Our talks were filled wid da usual school blues... life in India before the sacred "BOARDS". The mind gradually wandered to what we "could" do after the ordeal... and Mog said that we should all make a commitment to "try" and meet up every year or so after our school lives. Then came Anand's idea of the outting right after 12th. Well both seemed amazing thoughts, so all of them agreed straight away. Me, on my part, said that i would definitely try my best for the next year's outting... however.. the others.. i would see according to the circumstances.

I really do not understand... maybe the way i put it through was wrong or sumthin... but Mog n Sid weren too pleased. They were tryin to reinforce the fact that they onli told "try" ... not that u must. So I decided the best way to put it across would be a blog :D ...

A commitment... to pledge to some thing or someone, promise or agreement to do something in the future, the trait of sincerity and focused purpose. These obligations may be mutual, or self-imposed, or explicitly stated, or may not. You make a commitment knowing that it is within your ability to keep. When you have a doubt that you can.. then i would rather prefer to withhold it. Since we are meetin up anyway next year (and that we definitely are.... i swear), i thought it would be better sayin for sure next year... than blurtin something which i am not sure of. I am really sorry if i hurt any sentiments... my sincere apologies.

Ok, crap, that was hell too formal.... UNDERSTAND YOU IDIOTS! This is VINE you're talkin too :D ...


tetsoku said...

oi if we guyz had any strings attached abt some thing like dis we would have probably broken up long time ago.i guess we just like i dont think an apology was really required.

Unknown said...

broken up ? :-)....hehe..ahh well even though i was sadly away at ace while all this happened . i happened to know about what occured , well to be honest it would really be quite pissing off to hear someone you consider your best friend saying that he wont make it to a yearly reunion i mean come on once a year isn that possible ? well okay atleast you dint say im gonna lose touch . but then yeah anands right if we dont argue it wont be the same and besides we're all entirely different people so arguments are inevitable and a good thing at that actually so we get to know of each others opinions as well even if we dont approve of it.

The Shade said...

hey hey hey... ash... i din say i won be able to make it... i said that we would be livin in diff circumstances in the next few years... n i would decide accordin to that..

tetsoku said...

yea vine we got your point already.but what sid was trying to say was atleast commit to try ur best to which u refused and said that i would try based on the circumstance.u went off totally in the wrong direction.he dint ask u to commit to coming but to commit to try an come get u should have just said yes.ok

tetsoku said...
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Usurper said...

haha... tht was damn fun... making vine think tht he hadnt said smthn tht he already had just in different words... and making him think we were angry! too much fun!!! haha... ya we just love screaming shouting and making fools of ourselves... must say i did put up a good act eh vine?

tetsoku said...

yea thats what i said we guyz alwayz fool around so an apology wasnt neva needed and vine i thought u dint care abt what other thought abt how come u apologised for thinking that u had hurt someone????????

Anonymous said...

vine ull prob kill me fer thru out ur article i noted tht 'outing' was spelled as 'outting'....

The Shade said...

=)) .... kill ya??? 4 a typo!~! =))

tetsoku said...

yea and kaati's zone as katti's zone why do u put the extra t everywhere tuneet?

Unknown said...

so mysore i guess when you and me get gangover and mogh gets disgusted :-)...vine gets tangover. :-)

Anand M S said...

I see the whole situation as unnecessary hot air. Well, I do quite agree with the displeasures of Sid and Mogh. Sometimes, we all think of reality too much, forgettting the fact that life, itself, is more fantasy than reality. Yes... Agreed that you might not be able to make it the next year. But, by stating yourself as "doubtful", you are involuntarily questioning your own commitment. And, the placebo effect of the probablity of you actually not making it goes up!