In The Eyes of God

Friday, April 27, 2007

One of my random creations...

My heathen mind, fleeing from the dread
Words sublime, i heed voices in my head
For heaven i sought, they took me to the gates of hell
No doubt that I, came, my soul to sell...

One amongst the billion that i know
What more am I??
In the eyes of god,
the eyes of god...

A scar remains, deep within me
What more am I??
In the eyes of god,
the eyes of god...

Like a blade it cuts, a blade true from the start
Like a fire it burns, seeking, consuming the heart
What is this plague? What is this pain I feel?
It's the pain of love, tainted love my dear...

One amongst the billion that i know
What more am I??
In the eyes of god,
the eyes of god...

A scar remains, deep within me
What more am I??
In the eyes of god,
the eyes of god...

The ache, the lust,
the feel, the touch,
the lies, forlorn,
complain i must.

The hate, the pyre
of pure desire,
the flow of joy,
the smile, so coy,

Again and again and again and again,

The Apology...

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I gotta say, our groups gotta be da most freakiest frndz grp eva!~! Well anyway... me, Mog, Sid, nd Anand met up the other day... in Katti Zone of all places :D (dun blame them, my idea :D) .... n we had another one ov our very "philosophical" discussions...

Our talks were filled wid da usual school blues... life in India before the sacred "BOARDS". The mind gradually wandered to what we "could" do after the ordeal... and Mog said that we should all make a commitment to "try" and meet up every year or so after our school lives. Then came Anand's idea of the outting right after 12th. Well both seemed amazing thoughts, so all of them agreed straight away. Me, on my part, said that i would definitely try my best for the next year's outting... however.. the others.. i would see according to the circumstances.

I really do not understand... maybe the way i put it through was wrong or sumthin... but Mog n Sid weren too pleased. They were tryin to reinforce the fact that they onli told "try" ... not that u must. So I decided the best way to put it across would be a blog :D ...

A commitment... to pledge to some thing or someone, promise or agreement to do something in the future, the trait of sincerity and focused purpose. These obligations may be mutual, or self-imposed, or explicitly stated, or may not. You make a commitment knowing that it is within your ability to keep. When you have a doubt that you can.. then i would rather prefer to withhold it. Since we are meetin up anyway next year (and that we definitely are.... i swear), i thought it would be better sayin for sure next year... than blurtin something which i am not sure of. I am really sorry if i hurt any sentiments... my sincere apologies.

Ok, crap, that was hell too formal.... UNDERSTAND YOU IDIOTS! This is VINE you're talkin too :D ...

Ramblings of an uninterested mind ...

Monday, April 16, 2007

I was just plain bored.. and i saw that has not been a single entry in my blog in the month of April! Wow... fad must be burning out i guess. Or it could be the other blogs... because I'm definitely developing an inferiority complex now! :D

The past few days has been filled with Sridhar's homework, Shyamili's usual torture and Milind's bouncers. However in that wee bit of free time i get, Terry Goodkind has also been a kind resident of my mind. The Soul of the Fire sure left a strong impression on my mind. Scared me out of my wits! Ending was simply stunning!
And so, all that reading has pretty much obliterated my morale. Sid! Our book seems so crude compared to all these works!

Anyway... all other information undisclosed for security reasons. :D

Unluckily enough, my brain has been devoid of its usual rambling for the past week or so. I won't call it depression, just plain "not-in-the-mood". I was pretty stunned by Ash's posts... simply exhilarating change from his usual sports stuff (Thank God!). Sid has been his usual philosophical self, and Megs, well, i don't know what to say... you're nearly at Sid's level :D!
Another person joined our blogger scene.. i don't know if she's here to stay or not, but people please add Apoorva's link to your blogrolls. Thats one more person in our blog community.

Basically, i had nothing to write about. I blurted whatever was on my mind... please forgive me if there have been any misleading comments :D ... oh yea, i almost forgot! This post has been a wonderful achievement for me... if you observe carefully then you will find something distinct about this post from the rest. I will leave you to work that out.

The Shade