His holy kung-fuiness continues..

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Must you have battle in your heart forever?

The bloody toil of combat?

Old contender, will you not yield to the immortal gods?

That nightmare cannot die, being eternal evil itslef - horror, pain, chaos:

There is no fighting her, no power can fight her, all that avails is flight.

Saving sunshines...

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

That cursed evening.. i still remember it like it was yesterday.. one fateful leap.. and she ripped.. my heart broke.. everytime i see her now.. it reminds me of that evening.. i couldn't stand it any more.. GOD!! I HAD TO DO IT!

And so i decided.. today was the day.. i went to God.. asked him if he could.. if he could... "save" my sunshines.. he said, "of course i can, i AM god.. but.. there would be a price to pay".. The thought of having her back clouded my judgement.. WHY????? Why did i agree to it??? AAAARGH!! and so i endured the most horrifying 5 minutes of my life in MIT.. i had to endure the pain of watching her being sewn together.. stitch by stitch.. everytime his needle went through her skin.. it felt like a knife was being pierced through my heart... and now.. when i look at her.. i see those scars.. and i regret my choice.. she will never be the same again.. never.. never...

P.S. Those of you who want to know who i'm talkin about.. ask ash.. but id advice you not to... seriously..

His Holy Kung-fuiness says..

Monday, September 8, 2008

Yesterday is history, tommorow is a mystery, but today is a gift... thats why it's called the present.
- Master Ooguey


Sunday, September 7, 2008

This blog needs a makeover.. me n ash were jus discussin an ideal blog name... all sortsa stuff from im*dash*.com to iforgotthenameofmysite.com ... an then we finally realized that ywesaywhatwesay.com is *dash* enuf. Jus got a new applet on the sidebar which actually allows u to blog from ur desktop... no wonder im bloggin now. Y do u think i wud be randomly bloggin.. unless i was *dash*.. yea thats a possibility.. i mean which sadass wud blog his way to death wen he has underwear washin nd a mechanics assignment pending.. sigh.. jus shows the extent of my *dash*... sigh.. ok before i sign off and stop trublin u with my *dash*.. ok i forgot what i was gonna say... fuck... this *dash* is gettin to me..
tc.. chow.. peace out..

P.S. jus in case ur wonderin

1. *dash* = *bore* in all tenses and whatever

2. whoever read this blog to get this part must be totally *dash*.. jus like me.. so i advice u to text me..

3. hi to all my ancient blog friends.. haven been able to check ur blogs for a while..

4. don expect any more philosophical stuff on my blog... *dash* is officially gonna be my most used word..

5. and now before i spread this *dash* fever... goodnight.