
Sunday, September 7, 2008

This blog needs a makeover.. me n ash were jus discussin an ideal blog name... all sortsa stuff from im*dash*.com to ... an then we finally realized that is *dash* enuf. Jus got a new applet on the sidebar which actually allows u to blog from ur desktop... no wonder im bloggin now. Y do u think i wud be randomly bloggin.. unless i was *dash*.. yea thats a possibility.. i mean which sadass wud blog his way to death wen he has underwear washin nd a mechanics assignment pending.. sigh.. jus shows the extent of my *dash*... sigh.. ok before i sign off and stop trublin u with my *dash*.. ok i forgot what i was gonna say... fuck... this *dash* is gettin to me..
tc.. chow.. peace out..

P.S. jus in case ur wonderin

1. *dash* = *bore* in all tenses and whatever

2. whoever read this blog to get this part must be totally *dash*.. jus like me.. so i advice u to text me..

3. hi to all my ancient blog friends.. haven been able to check ur blogs for a while..

4. don expect any more philosophical stuff on my blog... *dash* is officially gonna be my most used word..

5. and now before i spread this *dash* fever... goodnight.