Passion's Killing Floor...

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Damn.... its been ages since i posted :D ... don have regular access to da net so hey! don blame me.... anyway.. don have much time... but i wanted to post this reli reli reli reli reli awesome song.... its by a band called H.I.M .... and its PURE EVIL!!! :D :D :D

It's poetry carved in flesh
It's beautiful hell with us.
To the deadly sin we confess
(And tears of joy fill our eyes)

We are safe with this bigotries
My out there prophecies of doom

My heart's a graveyard baby
And to evil we make love
On our passion's killing floor
In my arms you wont sleep safely
And of lust we are re-born.
On our passion's killing floor.

At the first kiss the seeds
of hatred are sown
Back into darkness we flee
To tear our hearts out.

We are saved where all fates fail
The light inside of our tomb.

My heart's a graveyard baby
And to evil we make love
On our passion's killing floor
In my arms you wont sleep safely
And of lust we are re-born.
On our passion's killing floor

My heart's a graveyard baby
And to evil we make love
On our passion's killing floor
In my arms you wont sleep safely
And of lust we are reborn
On our passion's killing floor

(My heart's a graveyard baby)
Ooohhh my heart's a graveyard baby
On our passion's killing floor
(In my arms you wont sleep safely)
And to evil we make love
On our passion's killing floor
Forever more.
These lies.

Some really amazing metallo-maniacal philosophies...

Friday, May 11, 2007

"So I lit lanterns,
To light up all these words,
Looking back I know
It's what I'd die for.
And through all of this life,
Smashed away all the strife,
A friendship I paint, untouchable."
36 Crazyfists - At The End Of August

"He who makes a beast out of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man"
Avenged Sevenfold - Bat Country

"Theres curses lurking in our heads but we don't want to find them,
We need to come back down and face what we've become."
Bullet For My Valentine - Curses

"And it begins anew
The hatred of mankind
As it seeks to kill that which lives inside

Now we are dying,
Dying the slowest death
Held down by bonds that bind us
We breath our final breath"
Killswitch Engage - Inhale

"I fight for the unconventional
My right and it's unconditional
I can only be as real as i can
The disadvantage is I never knew the plan
this isn't just a way to be a martyr
I can't walk alone any longer
I fight for the ones who can't fight
and if I lose, at least I tried!

We are the new diabolic
We are the bitter bucolic
If I have to give my life, you can have it
We are the pulse of the maggots"
Slipknot - The Pulse of the Maggots

"Leave it all behind it's time to walk away
A predator has a tendency to stalk their prey
With the dawning of the sun awakes another day
Desire that's required to play another game"
Mushroomhead - Kill Tommorow

In The Eyes of God

Friday, April 27, 2007

One of my random creations...

My heathen mind, fleeing from the dread
Words sublime, i heed voices in my head
For heaven i sought, they took me to the gates of hell
No doubt that I, came, my soul to sell...

One amongst the billion that i know
What more am I??
In the eyes of god,
the eyes of god...

A scar remains, deep within me
What more am I??
In the eyes of god,
the eyes of god...

Like a blade it cuts, a blade true from the start
Like a fire it burns, seeking, consuming the heart
What is this plague? What is this pain I feel?
It's the pain of love, tainted love my dear...

One amongst the billion that i know
What more am I??
In the eyes of god,
the eyes of god...

A scar remains, deep within me
What more am I??
In the eyes of god,
the eyes of god...

The ache, the lust,
the feel, the touch,
the lies, forlorn,
complain i must.

The hate, the pyre
of pure desire,
the flow of joy,
the smile, so coy,

Again and again and again and again,

The Apology...

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I gotta say, our groups gotta be da most freakiest frndz grp eva!~! Well anyway... me, Mog, Sid, nd Anand met up the other day... in Katti Zone of all places :D (dun blame them, my idea :D) .... n we had another one ov our very "philosophical" discussions...

Our talks were filled wid da usual school blues... life in India before the sacred "BOARDS". The mind gradually wandered to what we "could" do after the ordeal... and Mog said that we should all make a commitment to "try" and meet up every year or so after our school lives. Then came Anand's idea of the outting right after 12th. Well both seemed amazing thoughts, so all of them agreed straight away. Me, on my part, said that i would definitely try my best for the next year's outting... however.. the others.. i would see according to the circumstances.

I really do not understand... maybe the way i put it through was wrong or sumthin... but Mog n Sid weren too pleased. They were tryin to reinforce the fact that they onli told "try" ... not that u must. So I decided the best way to put it across would be a blog :D ...

A commitment... to pledge to some thing or someone, promise or agreement to do something in the future, the trait of sincerity and focused purpose. These obligations may be mutual, or self-imposed, or explicitly stated, or may not. You make a commitment knowing that it is within your ability to keep. When you have a doubt that you can.. then i would rather prefer to withhold it. Since we are meetin up anyway next year (and that we definitely are.... i swear), i thought it would be better sayin for sure next year... than blurtin something which i am not sure of. I am really sorry if i hurt any sentiments... my sincere apologies.

Ok, crap, that was hell too formal.... UNDERSTAND YOU IDIOTS! This is VINE you're talkin too :D ...

Ramblings of an uninterested mind ...

Monday, April 16, 2007

I was just plain bored.. and i saw that has not been a single entry in my blog in the month of April! Wow... fad must be burning out i guess. Or it could be the other blogs... because I'm definitely developing an inferiority complex now! :D

The past few days has been filled with Sridhar's homework, Shyamili's usual torture and Milind's bouncers. However in that wee bit of free time i get, Terry Goodkind has also been a kind resident of my mind. The Soul of the Fire sure left a strong impression on my mind. Scared me out of my wits! Ending was simply stunning!
And so, all that reading has pretty much obliterated my morale. Sid! Our book seems so crude compared to all these works!

Anyway... all other information undisclosed for security reasons. :D

Unluckily enough, my brain has been devoid of its usual rambling for the past week or so. I won't call it depression, just plain "not-in-the-mood". I was pretty stunned by Ash's posts... simply exhilarating change from his usual sports stuff (Thank God!). Sid has been his usual philosophical self, and Megs, well, i don't know what to say... you're nearly at Sid's level :D!
Another person joined our blogger scene.. i don't know if she's here to stay or not, but people please add Apoorva's link to your blogrolls. Thats one more person in our blog community.

Basically, i had nothing to write about. I blurted whatever was on my mind... please forgive me if there have been any misleading comments :D ... oh yea, i almost forgot! This post has been a wonderful achievement for me... if you observe carefully then you will find something distinct about this post from the rest. I will leave you to work that out.

The Shade

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Megs, Mog... both of u... ummmazin articles! Shit... u go on like this n SAT is a piece of cake!

Sometimes, i wonder... why the hell my views are always different from others... some people say im addicted to standing out amongst a crowd :D ... don't ask me why, maybe that's just the way i am... n i really don't mind being that way.

People say u change, it's inevitable... and its whether you change for the better or for the worse that determines your future... it's a risk, and few reach where they aim. Then why change at all, if you're content with what you are?

Reminds me of japo sometimes :D, true she might be all snobby and all... and that's definitlely not the way a teacher should behave... but she accepts that not being able to be friendly with her students is one of her drawbacks... she tries as much as she can to improve.. but there are limits. And i surely think she's hell content with who she is. What do you think Sid?

As Mog was sayin, our sleepless sleepover on the night after Maiden was as usual as a sleepover could get with sid, anand, me, ash, nd mog. We've had around 4 major ones be4... n i dunno y, but to my utter utter disbelief, all of them are filled with us talkin about philosophies! :D First four hours or so were spent getting beaten up by the others for bani talk :D n the rest... u dun wanna kno! No wonder i slept thru ACE the next day!

I dun think anyone except anand understood me... n what he did understand, i don't think he liked. And why he understood? I really really dunno y... but me and anand have this weird power of understandin each other totally :D!! Ask him if u want!

I really don't like preaching... im not too good at it either, ull c :D! Im pretty sure mog was unsatisfied with my explanations that day, same with sid.... hope ull realize some day.

The Maiden Mania

Monday, March 19, 2007

30,000 metal-heads gathering in a city like Bangalore.... it was an event not to be missed by maiden fans and metal maniacs alike. As the pioneers of the heavy metal genre descended upon the city with Eddy leading the way, the crowd soon realized that every rupee they paid for coming here was worth it.

Days before the event, the Maiden mania had already been settling upon the population. Gossip topics were ditched, Iron Maiden was the talk of the town. Banners all over the streets and ads in newspapers proclaimed their arrival. Bunk classes, bunk exams, BUT BE THERE FOR MAIDEN!

The crowd had begun gathering since 10 in the morning, although the gates were not to be opened till 3 pm. It was hard to recognize people amongst the sea of black Iron Maiden t-shirts. I preferred to stand out in white... the blazing noon sun was too hot for my liking. Personally, i don't know how those people survived.

By 3, the line had finally started moving. Once inside, people flooded to the refreshment stalls. For the forthcoming 3 hour wait, people had little better to do than load themselves up with fluids in retaliation to the uncaring sun. The chat centers too must have made one helluva profit that day. By 5, the chants of “Maiden” could be heard all over the grounds.

The first show was a let-down. As the Campus Rock Idols winners, FTN took the stage the crowd was so non-responsive, that i feared i was in for a boring night. The vocals too, failed to rouse the crowd. I mean, what the hell would shouting “BANGALORE!” in some guttural tone prove???

By the time Parikrama arrived, the crowd was so bored that the Maiden chants had started all over again, although they knew that that wouldn't happen before 8 in the night. They underestimated Parikrama though. With their amazing mix of fusion and funk rock, they stole the show.

There is nothing much to be said about Lauren Harris. I mean, i dunno who the heck she was or what a pop-singer was doing in an Iron Maiden concert. The crowd had had enough. The braves attempted jumping the barriers dividing the 900's and 1500's while others just resigned and lay flop on the ground.

At 8 sharp, the lights on stage went out. This was the signal Bangalore had been waiting for a week. The chants took a new meaning all together... yet Maiden did not show for another 15 minutes. Once they did come, the whole stadium went pitch black. The crowd went wild. Eddie's figure could easily be made out now, atop the huge Russian tank on stage. A rolling start was followed by one of their most popular songs from their new album, Different Worlds. The crowd did not hesitate to sing along. In some like The Trooper and The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg, the crowd could be heard more than Bruce, irrespective of the huge two-story speakers.

The show was marked by some senseless show of greed, as some broke down the barrier. The police watched on helplessly as the 900 crowd flowed to mingle amongst the 1500's, trying to get as close to the stage as possible.

The most memorable part would have been Fear of the Dark. The whole stadium was singing along as one. Near the end, Maiden took a short break. Some people exited believing that the show was over. But loyal fans stayed. And they weren't let down either. 10 minutes later, they started again with Hallowed Be Thy Name. Head bangers had a party, returning with a sore throat and an aching neck, but more than satisfied.

In all, the Iron Maiden concert was one helluva success, pulling fans from all over the country. Not only did Maiden recognize this, but also promised that within a year, they would be back, and India had better watch out!

Roadies 4 Review

Friday, March 2, 2007

Got this review from another blog.... This is definitely not written by me.... but had to pos it..... loved his description!

Group of mean youngsters. All of them
out on a paid holiday. Armed with a license to bit*h, shower
profanities, ride the Karizma bikes across the country, and compete
with each other to be declared the hottest sucker. MTV Roadies Season
4 was a total disappointment. It was a show where the competitors
were not good enough and end of the day the whole thing was a

Loaded with undignified catharsis,
roadies pulled youngsters to view the show (including me. I
watched every episode of Season 4). Howling girls was nothing unusual

in this show. Butit was sad to see men become
bit*hes. All of them
wanted money. None of them was displaying the character of roady!
(except of course Rupaali. She is so sweet).

Believe it or not. It was a pogrom. A
bloody pogrom. Nothing else. Bani and Anthony, together they
organized it. All through the show they were together. With luck on
Bani’s side the two contestants for Roadies 4 soon became winners.
Anthony was the chosen one. Bani was the un-official winner. The two
love birds played the most fantastic game one has ever seen. Anthony
like butter continued to titilate everyone’s taste-bud till the
cholesterol in their veins choked them all to an attack.

13 Roadies. All armed with a gregarious
facade played the game of eliminating each other. They were never
together. Except of course the love-birds. The show (when it started
as Season 1) was quite cool. It was a new concept. Though with season
4 of Roadies the show reached a cul-de-sac of its original sense. In
my opinion the recently culminated season was devoid of any gumption.
But even then it was fun.

Despite sonorous claims that the
episodes of season 4 were less less interesting, caused dolorous
viewing, I admit being an addict. Every Saturday, at 7 pm, like a a
honest and a dedicated viewer I would humbly switch on my television
and press the MTV button.

The roadies, since its inception in
2003 was meant to pick from a chosen lot a guy or a gal who rocks.
The winner should have an undying love for adventure, should be a
fun-freak, team person, loaded with attitude, individuals and tough.
The judges went around the country picking suitable contestants.
Every direction they went hoards of losers clangered around in
masses. Some were so desperate that they traveled across cities to be
on the show. Other simply wanted to try out their luck or have fun.
No wonder, most of them were clueless.

The jury was the worse. Just to check
if a person was tough they would throw weird tantrums. And they were
really soft on girls. Grow up guys. Be real. They picked up many
losers. For instance Raj. During the interview he claimed he was not
a virgin. But when he gets married he would make sure that his wife
is a virgin!! Double standards or what?

The contestants were required to
perform various tasks while they traversed the various corners of the
country on Karizma. The tasks were not difficult but at times
required the display of team spirit, strength of an individuals and
blah blah.

At the end of every episode a
contestant was eliminated. Not surprisingly just before the
elimination the entire team would break into closed groups, making
strategies to eliminate the sharpest contender. There was total lack
of trust. Nothing new, sh*t happens and it happens in everyday life

Bani and Anthony. Both an aitam. I
would not be surprised if soon he proposes Bani. A complete witch,
Bani professed being a psycho. She would scheme to eliminate all the
female contenders, act weird and scream profanities. Probably she was
an insider. MTV it seems planted her.

But if she was not an insider then she
schemed really well. Always vocal, masqueraded beneath her outbursts
was the love for Anthony.

The real winner was Anthony. No other
guy was as different as this young man was. Anthony, the cool dude
even cried just before being pronounced as the hero. Thats a real
roadie! He cried not for himself but for Bani.

Someone from MTV claimed that the
contenders for the season 4 are tougher than their earlier
counterparts. I guess thats a farce. If men becoming b*tch*s and
girls screaming profanities is a sign of toughness...then I humbly

I am waiting for the next season to
begin. Absolutely love this show. But I guess MTV needs to do better.
Good contestants, with fighting spirit, need to be on the show. Not
losers, grumblers or schemers

The whole Indo-English story

Saturday, February 24, 2007

I have never seen such a shitty (picked up that word from Bani’s vocabulary, :D) English exam paper in my entire life. The paper is for 90 marks, and 40 of those allotted to the literature segment! And what to they test in the literature segment??? Bits and pieces of a story by Narlikar, the rhyming scheme of a poem which you have heard only once in your life, and utter rubbish by Lester Brown (god only knows who the heck that guy is, still haven’t bothered to look up the English text book, :D).

I used to think that the Indian standard of English being taught in schools was bad. Well, guess what??? I change my mind! It’s absolutely HOPELESS!!!

Can any one tell me what is the whole point of memorizing the sequential order of events of a story, written by some author that you never might be interested in reading again, because his works were featured in the NCERT textbook?

The British curriculum segregates nearly 100 marks, yea 100 marks (that’s like a whole new paper), for grammar alone. Literature gets the least importance. People would think that instead of trying to teach us English, NCERT would be promoting and publicizing an author’s works!!! C’mon!!! This is a school!!! You’re supposed to teach us something, not let us have 6 free periods a week (I wouldn’t exactly say that part is bad though, :D)!!!

Radical ideas do not change humanity.... only ethical ones do.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Although very revolutionary, Avaneesh, I really can't imagine how that idea would work in reality. You see, it's true that man would have no meaning at all if he didn't have hardships to overcome. However, we have enough errs in this world, even excluding that small, lingering threat of terrorism. Ridding the world of this wouldn't make our lives any easier. But letting it take a toll of millions of lives only reduces the population who would be willing to do anything constructive against other evils. Unless of course, you go back to your radical ideas.

As is my title, in reality, I do not believe radical ideas have the magnitude to change the ways of humanity, only ethical ones do. If you say, that the present day generation is responsible for all that is being done to the world, then the only real solution would be creating a better generation after us. And how is that possible, if our generation is the one to teach them?

You can participate in a million campaigns which aim at bringing down the birth rate, which would in its due course take years to complete. But in the same time, the death rate would also be dwindling and all our efforts would have gone to waste. The more radical solution to bring down the ills of over-population would be to gather all the people in the world below the poverty line, in a deserted region, and nuke them. In that way, you could say we're getting rid of over-population and poverty at the same time. Thats like two gigantic scratches erased from your Biology record. However, we live in a world where ethics overpower logical reasoning, and that does not allow us to do such a thing. So unless we resolve this attitude to an extent, such that we can put down emotional traumas for a greater need, our race is slowly degenerating by itself, which I believe is the true course nature intends us to take.

The Slasher lives within me.......

Thursday, February 22, 2007

I wonder what the average Indian teenager finds interesting in the television these days. By the way, for the girls... unless u comment otherwise, I will assume soapies such as our beloved "Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi" make your heart throb. Friends, The O.C, Everybody Loves Raymond.... and for the more adrenaline pumped fellows, maybe a bit of Pimp My Ride or the usual sports gimmicks. Wonder why cartoons should be shunned then?

The Japanese have always had a knack for marketing their own countryside legends. This one is no exception. Kenshin Humura, or Batusai the slasher…….. in lay man terms, Samurai-X. A wonder of creation, this thriller packs an archaic reality-based fiction with philosophies so deep, u gotta dig in to understand.

For the more “advanced” readers (:D), here was an argument I picked up off boards… Is the legendary slasher still the best swordsman in the job…. or has Shogo or Shishiyo denied him that glory.

"Shishio Makoto: Do you think Shishiyo would have survived the 'Amakakeru Ryū no Hirameki' if Kenshin had slashed him with the swords he used before? Shishiyo might have fought all the others, but so did Kenshin. His job was much harder to accomplish. Not only did he have to defeat the likes of Ayoshi and Seijuro but also change their hearts, which was even harder.

Shogo Amakusa: He might have taken Hiten Mitsurugi-Ryū to Super God speed but Kenshin with his 'Dragon Flight of Heaven' proved that he was the fastest. Shogo might have had the opportunity to finish Kenshin off. But don't you think that there was something that was holding Kenshin back. He cared for Shogo and could feel his pain, that is why he was ready to sacrifice himself. But when it came to protecting the life of Shogo's followers he had no option but to defeat him.

Saitou Hajime: He fought with Kenshin for years but was disappointing against Shishio. That proved he wasn't the strongest either.

The only one that I presume would have come close to Kenshin's strength is his master Hiko Seijuro. He was the one who nurtured him and made him who he was.

Three great statements from the Anime are enough to prove that Kenshin is the stongest.

Shishiyo: 'The week shall die and the strong shall live.'
Kenshin: 'My will to live is stronger than yours, its stronger than anything else.'
Shishiyo: 'The will is only as strong, as the person it is in.'"

Anti-terrorism... and why we should forget about it!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Human society, from origin until now, has always been at war, may it be within or between two religious communities, societies or nations themselves. An important point to note is that nearly all these conflicts have arisen due to competition between two factions. The World Wars for example, has its root cause hidden in the motive of Germany to usurp the United Kingdom's position in the world economical and military status. Similarly, in the case of terrorism, I strongly believe that Western interference in the functioning of the Muslim majority middle-eastern countries is to blame for the various recent outbursts which manifest themselves in the form of terrorist attacks. This has come to harm many innocent lives, which had no say in the matter.

The United States' invasion of Afghanistan, or Iraq proves my point. Before the Iraq invasion, the country may have been ruled by a tyrant who mercilessly ordered 148 Kurdish people to the gallows. However, to bring down one dictator, we rendered thousands of other human lives worthless, by allowing such a war to happen. The media had their share of the fun, months worth of headlines to print, and a dozen more pictures or videos of Saddam's execution to leak out into online video sharing websites. But in the end, terrorism still roams free, not in the hearts of the innocent, but in the minds of the

Human tendency is to oppose, what is ordered, want, what is forbidden, and take, what is necessary. By showing the middle-eastern community that the United States' has the power to bring down nations, does not help us to counteract this threat by terrorism. In fact, they are urged on to prove to the world that they cannot be put down by one nation alone. Attacks on other nations have shown that terrorism is a world wide threat, more so because other countries allow such powers to act irresponsibly on behalf of the world.

I do not say that we heed the threats of such violence, or we give in to such radicals, but only that we act wisely before risking another few thousand lives in Iran. Enough of blood has been spilled in the war against terrorism... I only plea that we shed no more.

Why Bani never wore black on the final episode of roadies...

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

A million other voices all across India resonate the same question. Why Bani? Why? Why didn't you wear black in the final episode of the MTV reality series, Hero Honda Roadies Season 4?
When you look back at our all cho chweet final episode, we recall what was the reply when Swathi asked her the same question. Here came the reply, “Because I did not know whether it would be a vote out or a vote for the winner”. All too soon Poonam was down upon her, “Oh you knew it all, Bani”. Yea, she pretty much knew it all, I must say.

She did know that only Anthony and herself were left. She did know that she wouldn't give a damn if Anthony won the show anyway. She did know, that of all people, ignoramuses like Poonam, would not win anyway.

And that my people, is why she didn't wear black.

Reality shows have been the latest sizzle in the entertainment. Who cares if Shilpa Shetty won Big Brother man? We still got to see the other idiots “race” (get it??? racism!! =))) themselves to a superb loss. Me, I'm definitely not the one who would waste hours in front of a 29 inch screen watching staged spoofs. But Roadies, brought out a whole new meaning for the word “mind-blowing”, and I guess they owe most of their success to that amazing teenager from Chandigarh, Gurbani Judge.

She was the one thing on the show which didn't piss me off. I mean, who comes across a girl like her nowadays. In a world where Karma, means you have to be vegetarian, to save animal's lives, but where stamping a few dozen ants to death everyday doesn't matter, Gurbani Judge becomes an epitome of reality. With that ever present aura of her I-don't-give-a-damn-if-you-hate-me attitude, this girl comes with a lot of spunk. Kamini or not, that goes with your philosophies. If you're that suburban girl-next-door who loves flirting around with college guys, or a household typical Indian Bhabhi... she's not your usual cup of coffee. But for those who want a taste of real life in the big bad world...

we present to you.... GURBANI JUDGE!

Yea mate, and you'd better believe it.